Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Less Known Causes of Back Pain

Back Pain Causes

Today, back pain is a very common complaint . According to some recent studies, approximately 80% of all Americans adults between 35 and 55 years have suffered this pain at least once in their lives.
Back pain can manifest in two forms. The acute form that starts all of a sudden and the chronic form that continues to bother the patient for many months. This pain, at times, could be so severe, that people find it difficult to bend forward or move sideways.
Main causes of back pain are injuries to the back, strain in back muscles, sprain of ligaments joining the bones and slipped disks.
In addition, there are other quite common causes that are less known:


Stress can be a cause of back pain. For many people stress is something that they go through on a regular basis, something that they have to deal with and does not cause any physical pain. For others, however, stress can cause a number of different problems including back pain.
The pain that is caused by stress is actually a psychosomatic problem and not a pure physical problem. Being stressed out can cause you to feel as if your back is aching in certain situations and not in others and may prolong the amount of time that your back is hurting.

Excess of Fat

People that are overweight often experience back pain and are suffering simply because they cannot get rid of the weight that is in excess. In fact, if you are carrying around an additional weight in the front of your body, your back is going to suffer as a result.
The reason why this is the case is because the spine is not designed to carry a load that is heavier than our body at its natural weight. As you put on additional weight, the spine begins to distort and to compress, causing a lot of pain that you can experience.

Wrong Posture

A wrong posture can often be due to wearing inappropriate footwear. It can happen that when you have been on your feet a considerable amount of time you begin to experience back pain. Many people think that in this case the pain is caused by their feet but very often are their shoes that are causing this pain


In addition to spinal cord and nervous system, back pain can be due to kidneys and for many people this is the type of pain that is worse than any other.
The most common type of kidney related back pain is due to the formation of kidney stones. These small stones are calcium deposits and when they move through the kidneys they can affect the kidney lining. The pain that is felt from kidney stones is described as being one of the most intense pains that can be suffered.
Another kind of kidney disorder that can cause considerable pain is an infection that can cause some permanent damage to the kidneys if not addressed.
I think that it is appropriate that a correct prevention action for back pain should take into account also the enlisted causes that can be quite common among people suffering this pain.

The medical treatment for extreme back pain involves use of painkillers, muscle relaxers, steroids etc. These medicines when taken for a long time can have adverse side effects and therefore people prefer to cure it with the help of natural remedies.

Inversion Therapy is one of the means that can be used to relieve the back pain without using medicines but only by using an Inversion Table.

Click here to read something more on this subject.

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